Saturday, November 10, 2018

Myoho Expedites the Ascension of Cryptocurrency with Its Services

Cryptocurrency has come across criticisms and headstrong protests from governments and centralized banks. Ironically, it is not the same with blockchain while they are two different aspects of one technology. Blockchain has been accepted as a technology just like internet, whereas cryptocurrency has been sidetracked as it has brought a massive disruption in existing centralized system.


Enlightening the world about cryptos

Those who advocate the theory of “blockchain-not-bitcoin” have clearly not understood very crux of this technology. It is definitely possible to use blockchain alone leaving cryptocurrency behind, but one needs to understand the limitations and nuances of technology before using it. Blockchain implemented without cryptocurrency is no better than any other centralized mechanism.

It may bring decentralized distributed ledger, but it would be controlled by a centralized admin. To think that you’ve acquired the best of technology by adapting only blockchain is tantamount to living in fool’s paradise. Therefore, Myoho emphasizes the usage of cryptocurrency not only by being an exchange platform, but it makes cryptocurrency an indispensable part of service. 

Making crypto feasible & acceptable

Myoho takes a bold step and makes cryptocurrency an acceptable payment option for some major services. These services are Travel, Online Education, ETF, E-commerce and Rental Services. The role of cryptocurrency is going to be pivotal for all services, as people have started to realize its value. The concept of decentralization is revolutionary itself and cryptocurrency is the only through which it can be established.

Cryptocurrency gives full ownership of the asset to it owner, it ousts any third-party governance such as a bank to interfere in your and your propriety. It also makes payments easy with absolutely no intermediary unlike the fiat transactions. Therefore, cryptocurrency is a much more effective means to conduct business as it allows you to place several transactions with no brunt of cumbersome fee.

Emphasizing cryptos, enhancing profits

Therefore, cryptos actually need to be prioritized in business and our lifestyles with various types of services. Myoho is one such attempt, which brings cryptos into mainstream without any restraints, it leverages the technology to its best and makes its advantages reach you. Through this technology, the payments will be faster, cheaper and safer. It will not only be convenient, it would bring you into a world of decentralized digitization.

With such brighter prospects, Myoho also becomes a great investment. Myoho is going to be used for the most essential services and its usage will be massive considering the burgeoning amount of crypto users. Therefore, usage of cryptocurrency is likely to be doubled with the services of Myoho. This project focuses on the usage of cryptocurrency and extends it with profits and ease.

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Friday, October 19, 2018

Myoho Presents a Platform That Does Much More Than an Exchange Can

Crypto exchanges are mainly used for conversion of coins and they also keep you updated about the new coins emerging in the market daily. Since the inception of ICOs, many projects have been introduced which presented exchanges with some or other benefits. Ranging from zero percent transaction fees to loads of bonus tokens, nothing was spared to lure the investors and crypto users.

Why does Myoho exist?

Exchanges did dole out these benefits to their users and investors, but they largely remained an exchange. The time has come when exchanges can do much more than providing just the basic services. As cryptocurrency is making inroads into various domains, it has now become quite easy to pay through cryptos for several services.

With this vision in mind, Myoho introduces its exchange platform which becomes a lot more than an ordinary crypto exchange. Myoho provides all those services which are expected out of an exchange such as zero transaction fee, security, speed enabled with peer-to-peer architecture. Besides all this, Myoho gives its users a chance to broaden the usage of cryptos in five major domains.

Integrated blockchain with major services

These are E-commerce, Rental Services, Travel, Online Education and ETF. We all know how we struggle for the payment of these basic services. Not because it takes very long or the services are lame, because the centralized payment systems collaborate with a number of intermediaries to culminate each transaction. This makes your transactions way dearer than they should be and yes, payments are also rendered sluggish due multiple gateways.
Blockchain gives you the solution from all these problems by connecting you directly with the service provider. It eradicates all the middlemen that make your transactions costly and slouchy. Because of these attributes, blockchain is now being adapted worldwide for various services. Cryptocurrency payments are much safer and faster than fiat transactions.

Invest in this premium ICO

That’s why Myoho has integrated major services and will allow its users to pay for these services instantly without any additional fee. The motto of this platform is not just to provide the basic services but make blockchain prominent method for payments and other services. With this objective, it has included the services that are mostly used by people of all ages across the globe.

The usage of blockchain will only be prevalent when it becomes a part of day-to-day life. Myoho does it by making it a payment method for all the basic services including e-commerce and travel. These are the most widely used services for which we pay more than we ideally should. Therefore, Myoho makes it easy and convenient for its token holders to pay for these services without any hassle.

With all these benefits, Myoho has begun its ICO presale, which is giving 10% bonus on the sale of its token. Do not let this opportunity go off, as you will surely be paying for these services some or other day. With Myoho, pay direct, less and use all the features an exchange can offer. 

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Switch to Myoho, Get Zero Percent Transaction Fee with Lots of Benefits for Future

Since the beginning of cryptocurrency, exchange platforms have been evolving too. Cryptocurrency transactions too don’t cost you anything extra because there are no payment gateways. However, a few exchanges charge “minimum fee” for their services. Exchanges also claim to be decentralized, but most of the exchanges do have a centralized mechanism where they can monitor the transaction.


How is Myoho different?

Myoho is a next generation cryptocurrency exchange that offers transactions at zero percent transaction fee. It is a platform that is 100% integrated with blockchain, which means that it runs on peer-to-peer architecture. The very basic of this architecture is that it connects two trading parties with each other without any intermediary. The details of the transactions remain only to the trading parties, they remain anonymous to everyone else.

Because of this mechanism, transactions on Myoho will always remain secure. They will be sealed with smart contracts, which renders the transactions unalterable. The feasibility of this platform is better than any other crypto exchange today. Apart from the basic functions, there are other benefits which only Myoho is offering for its investors. Myoho will not be limited to only crypto exchange but it will be integrated into payment systems.

Exchange alongwith payments

As Myoho is introducing itself through an ICO, so it will be distributing its own token which will be accepted for payments of four major services:-

1.    Online E-commerce platform
2.    Travel
3.    Rental Services
4.    Eduction
5.    ETF

All these services are majorly used across the globe and by inducting crypto payments for them, Myoho has made many difficult tasks easy for you. There are few reasons why crypto payment will make it easy. First, crypto payment is much safer than fiat payment, secondly, it is accessible anywhere and thirdly, getting a crypto exchange is much easier than fiat exchange.

All these features of cryptocurrency make it much more reliable than any other payment method. And this has been made possible for you by only Myoho. Many exchanges were created just to make the most of the crypto surge. Exchanges were created hastily just to make maximum profits out of the crypto transactions and that’s why they charged transaction fee.

Get ready for the ICO

Myoho is an endeavor to correct the situation and provide the service crypto users really deserve. This platform was created after observing and analyzing the shortcomings that the crypto exchanges have today. It has implemented every single change that will make the crypto experience better than ever.
Besides that, it would be a profitable investment for all its investors as will get the privilege of using the Myoho tokens for essential services alongwith high returns. Myoho is going to launch its ICO presale on 1st October 2018 with 10% bonus and lots of other benefits for the future.

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Myoho Expedites the Ascension of Cryptocurrency with Its Services

Cryptocurrency has come across criticisms and headstrong protests from governments and centralized banks. Ironically, it is not the sa...